公司擁有雄厚的技術力量,先進的加工設備,一流的工藝水平,完善的檢測手段,嚴格的質量管理系統和適應市場需求的生產經營應變能力。主要生產:YB2系列隔爆三相異步電動機 、 Y2EJ系列(IP54)電磁制動三相異步電動機 、 YVF2系列(IP54)變頻調速三相異步電動機 、Y2系列(IP54)三相異步電動機,防爆減速機專用電機,Y2系列直聯式擺線針輪減速機專用電機,硬齒輪面減速機專用電機 。
Zhejiang anzhong explosion-proof motor Co., Ltd. is headquartered in yongjia Dongou Industrial Park, which is known as "the hometown of Pump and valve in China". It is connected with a bridge in wenzhou city, with superior geography, beautiful environment and convenient transportation. Is a professional design, production and sales of motor, explosion-proof motor manufacturing enterprises.
公司擁有雄厚的技術力量,先進的加工設備,一流的工藝水平,完善的檢測手段,嚴格的質量管理系統和適應市場需求的生產經營應變能力。主要生產:YB2系列隔爆三相異步電動機 、 Y2EJ系列(IP54)電磁制動三相異步電動機 、 YVF2系列(IP54)變頻調速三相異步電動機 、Y2系列(IP54)三相異步電動機,防爆減速機專用電機,Y2系列直聯式擺線針輪減速機專用電機,硬齒輪面減速機專用電機 。
Zhejiang anzhong explosion-proof motor Co., Ltd. is headquartered in yongjia Dongou Industrial Park, which is known as "the hometown of Pump and valve in China". It is connected with a bridge in wenzhou city, with superior geography, beautiful environment and convenient transportation. Is a professional design, production and sales of motor, explosion-proof motor manufacturing enterprises.
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