北京雙馬飛騰傳動機械設備有限公司總部位于北京市朝陽區成壽寺路131號。下屬二家分公司分別位于北京市豐臺區的和義五金機電城,朝陽區的朝龍五金交電一條街。本公司是一家專業開發經營電機,減 變 調速機,鏈條 鏈輪,齒輪 齒條,同步帶 同步輪,皮帶輪,聯軸器,漲緊套等產品的單位。本公司所提供的商品質量上等,價格合理。現為浙江諸暨鏈條設備總廠;浙江省永嘉調速機廠;杭州博宇減速機有限公司;石家莊鏈輪廠的北京地區總代理,總公司成立于1997年,多年來一直致力于傳動行業的技術咨詢與銷售;我們同時還建立了自己的加工中心和備有充足的庫存,可以根據客戶的特別要求加工機械零部件,并可以及時為客戶提供現場接駁服務,可以大大縮短停機時間,降低客戶生產成本。 緊跟世界技術革新潮流的雙馬人一定能成為您可以信賴的合作伙伴!
Beijing Shuangma Feiteng Transmission Machinery Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Beijing city Chaoyang District chengshousi Road No. 131. Under the two subsidiaries located in Beijing City, Fengtai District Yi Hardware Electrical City, Chaoyang District Chaolong hardware street. Our company is a professional development and operation of motor, variable speed machine, chain sprocket, gear rack, synchronous belt, synchronous wheel, belt wheel, shaft coupling, tension sleeve unit of product. The company provide the goods of high quality, reasonable price. Now Zhejiang Zhuji chain equipment General Factory; Zhejiang province governor Yongjia machine factory; Hangzhou bo'yu decelerator Co. Ltd.; Beijing general agent Shijiazhuang chain wheel factory, founded in 1997, over the years has been committed to technology consulting and sales drive industry; we also established our own processing center and ample inventory, according to customer's special request processing machinery parts, and can provide on-site connection service for the customer, can greatly shorten the downtime, reduce customer costs of production. Closely follow the world trend of technological innovation between people will become your trusted partner!
Beijing Shuangma Feiteng Transmission Machinery Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Beijing city Chaoyang District chengshousi Road No. 131. Under the two subsidiaries located in Beijing City, Fengtai District Yi Hardware Electrical City, Chaoyang District Chaolong hardware street. Our company is a professional development and operation of motor, variable speed machine, chain sprocket, gear rack, synchronous belt, synchronous wheel, belt wheel, shaft coupling, tension sleeve unit of product. The company provide the goods of high quality, reasonable price. Now Zhejiang Zhuji chain equipment General Factory; Zhejiang province governor Yongjia machine factory; Hangzhou bo'yu decelerator Co. Ltd.; Beijing general agent Shijiazhuang chain wheel factory, founded in 1997, over the years has been committed to technology consulting and sales drive industry; we also established our own processing center and ample inventory, according to customer's special request processing machinery parts, and can provide on-site connection service for the customer, can greatly shorten the downtime, reduce customer costs of production. Closely follow the world trend of technological innovation between people will become your trusted partner!