上海毅源傳動設備有限公司 是一家生產機械傳動類產品的專業廠商,公司主要產品有行星減速機、液壓絞車、減速器、回轉減速器、卷揚機、換向閥等產品。我公司從創立以來,一直全心致力于機械傳動類產品的研究與開發,公司擁有先進的臥、立式CNC加工中心、CNC曲線磨床、CNC數控鏜床齒輪、三坐標測量儀、齒輪測量中心、齒輪跳動檢測儀等先進檢測設備。 “毅源傳動”產品廣泛應用于冶金礦山、工程機械、港口碼頭船舶、起重運輸、石油化工、橡塑機械、環保設備、印刷包裝等眾多領域。產品行銷全國,并配套出口歐洲、美洲、東南亞、中東等地區。
Shanghai Yi source transmission equipment Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer of transmission machinery products professional manufacturers, the main products of the company are planetary reducer, reducer, hydraulic winch, winch, slewing gear, reversing valve and other products. Our company from its inception, has been committed to the research and development of mechanical products, the company has advanced CNC machining center, horizontal, vertical CNC curve grinding machine, CNC CNC boring machine, gear three coordinate measuring machine, gear measuring center, gear beat detector and other advanced detection equipment. "Yi source drive" products are widely used in metallurgy, engineering machinery, port and dock, lifting transportation, petroleum chemical industry, many areas of rubber machinery, environmental protection equipment, printing and packaging. Product marketing the country, and exported to Europe, America, Southeast Asia, supporting, the Middle East and other regions.
Shanghai Yi source transmission equipment Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer of transmission machinery products professional manufacturers, the main products of the company are planetary reducer, reducer, hydraulic winch, winch, slewing gear, reversing valve and other products. Our company from its inception, has been committed to the research and development of mechanical products, the company has advanced CNC machining center, horizontal, vertical CNC curve grinding machine, CNC CNC boring machine, gear three coordinate measuring machine, gear measuring center, gear beat detector and other advanced detection equipment. "Yi source drive" products are widely used in metallurgy, engineering machinery, port and dock, lifting transportation, petroleum chemical industry, many areas of rubber machinery, environmental protection equipment, printing and packaging. Product marketing the country, and exported to Europe, America, Southeast Asia, supporting, the Middle East and other regions.
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面議/臺 1臺起訂 |
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全自動數字智能化排繩器/排纜器絞車排暫無... 2017-11-6 |
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上海減速機廠家代理湖北行星減速機/伺暫無... 2017-11-6 |
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專業湖北行星減速機/精密行星減速機/暫無... 2017-11-6 |
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高品質伺服減速器/精密行星減速器/湖暫無... 2017-11-6 |
100/臺 1臺起訂 |
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現貨供應--中聯泵車減速器減速機徐上海毅源傳動設備有限公司是一家生產齒輪和機械傳動類產品的專業廠商,公司主要產品有臂架泵車回轉/... 2017-11-6 |
9500/臺 1臺起訂 |
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優質專業10噸15噸汽車改裝絞盤/汽W系列液壓絞車由驅動減速機和帶單向平衡閥及高壓梭閥(控制制動器)組成的各種配流器、YJMEF EFS型液壓馬達、Z型制動... 2017-11-6 |
1000/臺 1臺起訂 |
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伺服減速機,湖北行星減速機,漢星減速暫無... 2017-11-6 |
100/臺 1臺起訂 |
金牌會員 |